is able to deliver complete and cmplex sites. But (there is always a but), it has a cost : the learning curve to know the product. Here are some examples on the Blash
First of all, you have to know how to call help
(even if Blash
is under DSSL) :
$ ./blash -h
blash [-p <title>|-b [-A][-t][-x][-X][-z][-Z]|-l|-s <title|id>|-c <title|id> [-C]|-d <title|id> [-D]|-e <title|id> [-U]|-r <title|id>|-u <title|id>] [-f <filename>] [-w <path>] [-I] [-h] [-v]
-A force all post to be shiped instead of updated [not implemented yet]
-b ship all posts
-c [title|id] copy a post
-C When copying if a post exists, it'll be overwritten
-d [title|id] change the date of a post
-D don't change the filename when changing date
-e [title|id] edit your post ($EDITOR used to call your editor)
-f [file] get the configuration from a file
-g [term] search for post (default is case insensitive. Start your search with : to become sensitive)
-h print help (you currently read it)
Let's contnue with the configurtion we setted up :
To check your configuration options, use the -I
flag :
$ ./blash -I | head
Working directory : ./
Configuration file : ./blash.conf
Post directory : ./post
Public directory : ./public
Theme layout directory : themes/furry/layout
Theme public directory : themes/furry/public
Output directory : ./out
Draft directory : ./draft
By default, the blash.conf
(in the current directory) will be used. Use -f
to load another config file. In this example, we are checking the configuration for the config file config-examples/theme_timeline.conf
$ ./blash -I -f config-examples/theme_timeline.conf | head
Working directory : ./
Configuration file : config-examples/theme_timeline.conf
Post directory : ./post
Public directory : ./public
Theme layout directory : themes/timeline/layout
Theme public directory : themes/timeline/public
Output directory : ./out
Draft directory : ./draft
We are now rendering the site by using the config-examples/theme_timeline.conf
config file.
$ ./blash -b -f config-examples/theme_timeline.conf
* Loading Posts headers...
* Draft Posts : Rendering...
3 2016-11-16-markdown-basics [Draft] [markdown,blash]
6 2016-10-27-quia-delectuslibero-omnis-a-sunt [Draft] [internet,blash]
* Hidden Posts : Rendering...
2 2016-11-17-markdown-license [Published] [markdown,license] /!\ HIDDEN /!\
* Regular Posts : Rendering...
id - Title [status] [Tags]
0 2016-11-19-blash-presentation [Published] [blash]
1 2016-11-18-markdown-presentation [Published] [markdown]
4 2016-11-14-blash-usages-and-configuration [Published] [blash]
5 2016-11-09-markdown-syntax [Published] [markdown]
7 2016-10-11-lorem-ipsum [Published] [mylife,blash]
8 2016-09-03-error-consequuntur [Published] [mylife]
9 2016-01-19-css3-flexbox-model [Published] [internet,blash]
10 2015-11-20-blash-licenses [Published] [blash,license]
11 2014-11-19-blash-presentation-copy [Published] [blash]
* RSS feed : Rendering...
* Atom feed : Rendering...
* Index : Rendering...
* Categories : Rendering...
Blashed !
As you could see above, Blash
informs you about which posts are generated and for which state : Draft, hidden or published.
allows you to search into your posts for a term (you could have used a grep
instead) :
$ ./blash -g flexbox
id title status tag(s)
6 2016-11-06-blash-examples [Published] [blash]
10 2016-01-19-css3-flexbox-model [Published] [internet,blash]
In the previous example, 2 posts are found. The search is case insensitive by default.
But you could force the search to be case sensitive by preceding your term wyth a :
, as in the following example :
$ ./blash -g :Flexbox
id title status tag(s)
10 2016-01-19-css3-flexbox-model [Published] [internet,blash]
In the [generate][#generate] example, you saw that Blash
produce all possible files. Blash
is not yet able to produce only one post (in a near future, I hope), but you are allowed to reduce the number of files generated :
$ ./blash -b -t -x -X -z -Z
* Loading Posts headers...
* Draft Posts : No post or not allowed to work on...
* Hidden Posts : No post or not allowed to work on...
* Regular Posts : Rendering...
id - Title [status] [Tags]
0 2016-11-19-blash-presentation [Published] [blash]
1 2016-11-18-markdown-presentation [Published] [markdown]
3 2016-11-16-markdown-basics [Published] [markdown]
4 2016-11-14-blash-usages-and-configuration [Published] [blash]
5 2016-11-09-markdown-syntax [Published] [markdown]
6 2016-11-06-blash-examples [Published] [blash]
8 2016-10-11-lorem-ipsum [Published] [mylife,blash]
9 2016-09-03-error-consequuntur [Published] [mylife]
10 2016-01-19-css3-flexbox-model [Published] [internet,blash]
11 2015-11-20-blash-licenses [Published] [blash,license]
12 2014-11-19-blash-presentation-copy [Published] [blash]
* Index : Rendering...
Blashed !
If you have to manage multiple site, there is no need to install Blash
for each site, the -w
is there :
$ ../syncDev/blash/blash -w blash -I
Working dir changed to /home/test/sync/blash/
Working directory : /home/test/sync/blash/
Configuration file : /home/test/sync/blash/blash.conf
Post directory : /home/test/sync/blash/post
Public directory : /home/test/sync/blash/public
Theme layout directory : themes/furry/layout
Theme public directory : themes/furry/public
Output directory : /home/test/sync/blash/out
Draft directory : /home/test/sync/blash/draft